“Life has regained its rights”: Grégory Lemarchal’s parents overwhelmed by the birth of their grandchildren

After the tragedy, the return of hope… 15 years ago, Pierre and Laurence Lemarchal experienced the greatest possible tragedy: the loss of their son Grégory, 24, to cystic fibrosis two years after his victory at the Star Academy. If the young singer marked an entire generation, his parents never gave up his fight, working body and soul for the sick and their families.

A fierce struggle which sometimes allowed them to forget their difficult mourning, they who remained united despite the tragedy, and which they led with the support of their youngest daughter Leslie, who was only 19 years old at the era. Deeply affected by the loss of her brother, she has now managed to recover and create her own family: her son Paul was born four years ago, and her daughter Jeanne is 7 months old.

Two toddlers who brought joy back to the Lemarchal family, as they explained in an interview for the magazine Gala. “Thanks to Paul, life has regained its rights. We have two wonderful grandchildren. These are our little suns“, says Laurence, who was finally able to raise her head thanks to her role as a granny. “Since the birth of my grandson Paul, we celebrate Christmas again, which we haven’t done for ten years, since Greg’s death. I couldn’t stand family celebrations anymore, I didn’t go to weddings or birthdays“, she says, moved.

The mother, very happy that Leslie has finally found happiness after all the hardships, says that she encouraged her daughter on this path: “We had to show her that despite the pain, despite the hardships of life, it was essential to fight to find small pleasures, I kept telling her that she had to continue her life as a woman, that one day , she would become a mother in turn. It happened. And it fills us with joy“.

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