“Liberation” announces the layoff of two of its implicated journalists

This article is over three years old.

Implicated in the affair of the “League of LOL”, two journalists were laid off Monday “as a precaution” by the daily “Liberation”.

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The daily Release announces Monday, February 11 to France Inter, the layoff “as a precautionary measure” of the journalist AH, implicated in the affair of the “League of LOL”. The direction of the newspaper specifies that this decision is taken within the framework of an investigation carried out internally and is not “not a penalty”. Ie journalist Vincent Glad, freelancer at Release, was also suspended as a precaution. Their names appear in a case of cyberbullying on social networks.

AH posted on Twitter on Sunday, a text in which he apologizes “as sincere as belated”and acknowledges having contributed “Near or far” has a “toxic climate online”. “Some testimonials have literally twisted my stomach”he wrote.

Vincent Glad, creator of the Facebook group, also apologized on Twitter. “We were talking about trolling, it was harassment, he writes. I created a monster that escaped me.”

Several dozen testimonies published since Friday in the press, including the website of Releasereport acts of harassment by members of the “LOL League”, a private Facebook group of around thirty Parisian journalists, active in the late 2000s and early 2010s. They are accused of having cyberharassed other journalists and bloggers, including women and feminist activists.

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