Liberal site for recruitment | “Hundreds” of interested candidates, assures Anglade

(Quebec) Dominique Anglade denies having trouble finding candidates less than 10 months before the election. On the contrary, the website launched Monday for recruitment – a new approach of the party – serves to explain to “hundreds of people who have come forward” the procedure to follow to become a candidate, pleads the liberal leader.

Posted at 9:24 a.m.
Updated at 10:06 a.m.

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque
The Press

“There are hundreds of people who have come forward and the reason why I wanted us to have a transparent process is to allow everyone to know how it was going to work, how we were going to govern ourselves for the candidacies, ”explained the Liberal leader at the start of the pre-sessional caucus of her formation, the last before the fall electoral meeting.

The Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) launched a brand new website on Monday to “oversee the entire nomination process” and recruit candidates in anticipation of the general election on October 3. On the site, interested candidates can fill out a form. Others can also propose “the rare pearl” who could wear the liberal colors.

Dominique Anglade has already promised to hold open nominations in “a majority of constituencies”. She ensures that the publication of this website should not be seen as a sign that potential candidates are not jostling at the gate.

“I know it’s a process that’s new, that it’s an approach that we hadn’t implemented in the past, but it’s necessary in the transformation of our political formation and it’s necessary for people feel that everyone can participate, ”she added in a virtual press scrum.

The formation of Dominique Anglade has been struggling to move the needle in the polls since last summer. The Liberals remain at around 20% in the voting intentions according to the latest polls. Liberal troops remain “the alternative” to the government of François Legault, assures Mme England.

“In 2022, Quebecers will have a choice: a choice between a government […] paternalistic who is not listening, who [gère] in the small week according to the polls versus a government which is progressive, which is open, which wants transparency, which is capable of being very inclusive, ”she maintains. Mme Anglade seeks to make a progressive and ecological turn within his political party.

The one who does not hide being in the conquest of the more progressive caquistes even said she was open on Tuesday to welcoming solidarity and PQ candidates into her ranks if they share her vision for the future. “What’s important is to say to yourself that beyond the labels, do people want to experience what we offer with us? […] If they are motivated and challenged by that, absolutely they can come and join us, ”she said.

Expected departures

MPs Lise Thériault, Gaétan Barrette and Francine Charbonneau have all three announced that they will not run for new terms in October. The departure of other veterans of the political formation is to be expected in the coming months. MPs Pierre Arcand, Carlos Leitão, Kathleen Weil, Hélène David and Christine St-Pierre are still considering their future.

“Since last summer, the deputies have informed me of their intentions and now,” recalled the Liberal leader. But there is no question of urging anyone to display their colors more quickly, she adds. “It will be done with the greatest of respect, as was done in the three announcements that were made before the holidays. We must recognize the contribution of people who have given enormously to politics. »

The Liberals were originally scheduled to hold their caucus in Gatineau, but the fifth wave of the pandemic has disrupted plans. The Coalition avenir Québec will also hold its pre-sessional caucus virtually this week. The Parti Québécois and Québec solidaire meet on their side in Quebec.

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