The demonstration is organized on Thursday in Paris. The procession will leave Place de la Bastille around 11 a.m. to go to the Ministry of Health.
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Several hundred liberal nurses are expected on Thursday April 4 in Paris at the call of a collective and two unions to request in particular the revaluation of their basic rate, unchanged since 2009. The demonstration will leave from the Place de la Bastille towards 11 hours before heading to the Ministry of Health.
“During Covid, we were told that we played a pivotal role” in care, recalls Alexandra Veyret, one of the two co-presidents of the Angry Liberal Nurses collective, at the origin of the demonstration. “But we disappeared from the radar” after the epidemic, she regrets. “We were not part of Ségur”which increased the salaries of hospital caregivers, “and today, to erase inflation, nurses are forced to choose to practice certain procedures rather than others”she adds.
The basic “brick” of nursing care pricing (3.15 euros) has not changed since 2009. Only occasional increases have taken place since that date. Health Insurance has thus increased the flat-rate travel allowance by 25 cents to 2.75 euros (which is added to mileage costs), which had not changed since 2009. It has also reformed the flat-rate healthcare rates. daily wages for dependent people, which represents, according to Health Insurance, “an investment of 700 million euros” over the period 2019-2024.