Libel lawsuit | Johnny Depp was kicked out of Pirates of the Caribbean because of Amber Heard, his agent says

(Washington) Johnny Depp’s ex-agent claimed that the actor had indeed been removed from Pirates of the Caribbean because of the domestic violence charges brought against him by Amber Heard, during his testimony Wednesday at the defamation trial between them.

Posted at 7:47 p.m.

Recorded beforehand, Christian Carino’s video testimony confirmed Johnny Depp, who is claiming $ 50 million from his ex-wife in American justice.

In an editorial, published in December 2018 in the washington postAmber Heard presented herself as a victim of domestic violence, without however mentioning her former husband.

According to Johnny Depp, who denies having ever raised a hand on her, Disney studios decided four days later not to entrust her with the costume of the whimsical Jack Sparrow, the flagship role of these very lucrative family films.

The reason for this decision has never been explained but “in my opinion, it is linked to the accusations made by Amber”, declared Christian Carino who for a time represented the two spouses and was even their friend.

“It’s an accepted thing in the industry,” he added, citing “conversations with colleagues and studio executives.”

Amber Heard’s lawyers refute this causal link and highlight the problems surrounding the filming of episode 5 of the saga.

The 36-year-old actress, believing that the accusation of defamation is a new form of harassment, counter-attacked and claimed 100 million dollars from Johnny Depp, 58, who lost a comparable action in London in 2020.

The two actors, married from 2015 to 2017, have been attending all the hearings of this new trial for two weeks, partly broadcast on television and which sheds harsh light on the difficulties of their couple and their excesses.

Their former agent on Wednesday lifted the veil on another contentious episode: the relationship forged by Amber Heard with billionaire Elon Musk after his divorce from Johnny Depp.

Christian Carino read to the jurors a series of messages exchanged in 2017 with the actress, of whom he was then a confidant.

In the first, she talks about her breakup with the boss of Tesla and writes: “I hate when things become public, I’m so sad. »

The agent responds, “You didn’t like it and told me 1000 times you just wanted to plug the hole. »

– “I know, but I wanted time to rebuild myself. »

– “You could avoid that, if you stopped going out with super famous people,” concluded Christian Carino, who himself flirted with fame by being, for a time, Lady Gaga’s fiancé.

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