Liam Di Benedetto: his daughter Joy’s cyst compared to “chewing gum” by a neurosurgeon

Mother of Sharly (born in July 2021, fruit of her love with Christophe Dicranian) and Joy (3 years old, born from a previous relationship), Liam gave reassuring news concerning the state of health of her eldest recently recognized disabled at 80%. Born with a cyst in her brain that made her visually impaired, the little girl underwent further tests at the hospital.

Relieved, the former reality TV contestant revealed that her daughter’s scan results were very positive. After talking to the neurosurgeon, she says: “He told me the pictures were good, he told me that the cyst had even shrunk. In fact the most important thing was above all that he did not gain weight after the intervention she had had etc. In fact, she still has the cyst because they couldn’t remove it but he pierced it so that the cyst would not grow steadily and that it not be like a balloon which grows bigger all the time. (…) That the cyst was a bit like chewing gum, that it was there but that it was not growing“.

Operated urgently in March 2020, the little girl had undergone a major surgery which required to put a drain in her skull. A beneficial operation for the little girl who has since seen her state of health improve day by day. The proof, his cyst has shrunk and could perhaps be completely absorbed. “I’m too happy, too too too happy“she confided before adding to have cried for joy”whole morning“.

As a reminder, Joy has undergone several operations since birth. A few months after giving birth, Liam learned that his daughter had a cyst in her brain that made her visually impaired. In addition to her vision problems, she still does not walk or speak. Professionals have recognized her as 80% disabled.

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