LFI, PS, EELV… How are the different Nupes parties doing after the first round?

This is one of the main issues of these legislative elections: how many deputies will the New People’s, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) have after the election? After the first round, it is still too early to know the number of left-wing parliamentarians in the National Assembly. La Nupes is neck and neck with Together! with a few thousand votes apart. This coalition led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon qualified in 376 constituencies on Sunday June 12, against 146 for the various parties in 2017.

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La France insoumise (LFI), Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV), the Socialist Party (PS) and the French Communist Party (PCF) however show very different results. Rebellious France, which had the largest number of candidates under this agreement, is doing the best, qualifying in nearly 40% of the constituencies. Four of its candidates were elected in the first round.

LFI: four deputies already elected, between 96 and 115 seats according to projections

The candidates of La France insoumise constituted the largest contingent of Nupes, with 326 representatives on the starting line. On the evening of the first round, the party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon qualifies in 216 constituencies, which he will try to win next Sunday, with the objective of being the first opponent to Emmanuel Macron.

According to the first projections of Ipsos-Sopra Steria, the main left formation can hope to win, on its own, between 96 and 115 seats of deputies for the next legislature, well beyond the 17 seats it had until now. .

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In detail, the radical left formation is already sending several representatives to the National Assembly. Daniele Obono (Paris), Sarah Legrain (Paris), Sophia Chikirou (Paris) and Alexis Corbiere (Seine-Saint-Denis) were elected or re-elected in the first round. Other LFI frameworks record excellent scores, such as Bastien Lachaud (59.04% in Seine-Saint-Denis), Aurelie Found (54.84% in Seine-Saint-Denis), Eric Coquerel (53.81% in Seine-Saint-Denis), Adrien Quatennens (52.05% in the North), or even Ugo Bernalicis (43.49% in the North).

EELV and environmentalists: between 20 and 30 seats according to projections

Europe Ecology-The Greens and the various parties of the environmental pole constituted the second force of the Nupes, with 100 candidates invested within the framework of this agreement concluded at the beginning of May. Next Sunday, environmentalists can still hope to conquer 76 constituencies in which they qualified for the second round.

The formation of Julien Bayou, himself in very favorable ballot in the 5th district of Paris, could constitute a contingent of 20 to 30 deputies for the next five years, according to the first projections of Ipsos-Sopra Steria. Barring disaster for EELV, the environmentalist party will therefore be able to count on a parliamentary group, which simply had no deputy since 2017.

Several environmental personalities are in a favorable position, such as Julien Bayou (48.88% in Paris), Sandrine Rousseau (42.9% in Paris), Eva Sas (41.7% in Paris), Cedric Villani (38.20% in Essonne), Sandra Regol (38.07% in Bas-Rhin) or Hubert-Julien Laferriere (34.82% in the Rhône).

PS: between 24 and 29 seats according to projections

Having gone from 577 candidates in its own name to only 70 within the framework of the Nupes, the Socialist Party approached this first round of the legislative elections in a less comfortable situation than in 2017. After the first round, it nevertheless qualified in 52 constituencies, not counting the handful of socialist dissidents able to be elected on Sunday.

According to the first projections of Ipsos-Sopra Steria, the PS could win between 24 and 29 seats, while it had a group of 28 parliamentarians from 2017 to 2022, after the five-year term of François Hollande.

>> MAP. Find the final scores of the first round in your constituency

The socialists engaged in the Nupes achieve good scores in several dozen constituencies. This is the case for the first secretary Olivier Faure (46.9% in Seine-et-Marne), Guillaume Garot (49.62% in Indre-et-Loire), Christine Pires Beaune (41.84% in Puy-de-Dôme), Boris Vallaud (40.16% in the Landes) or Jerome Guedj (38.31% in Essonne).

PCF: between 10 and 16 seats depending on projections

Will there still be a communist parliamentary group after these legislative elections? The PCF, which presented 50 candidates as part of the Nupes, qualified in only 32 constituencies, which makes it difficult to obtain 15 seats, the minimum threshold to form a parliamentary group in the National Assembly.

According to the first projections of Ipsos-Sopra Steria, the Communist deputies would have between 10 and 16 deputies for the next legislature. If he does not reach the 15 deputies necessary for the constitution of a parliamentary group, he could try to rally to him elected representatives from overseas, as during the previous legislature.

The main candidates of the PCF are still doing well in their constituencies and can hope for re-election in a week. This is particularly the case of the former presidential candidate Fabien Roussel in the 20th district of the North (34.13%) orAndré Chassaigne, president of the current group in the National Assembly, in the 5th constituency of Puy-de-Dôme (49.13%). Other PCF frames are on the run, such as Stephane Little (62.85% in Seine-Saint-Denis), Elsa Faucillon (54.26% in Hauts-de-Seine) and Sebastien Jumel (37.66% in Seine-Maritime).

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