He receives a call to order and a withholding of 25% of his monthly compensation.
Reading time: 1 min

The sanction did not take long to fall. The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, sanctioned LFI deputy Ugo Bernalicis with a call to order and a quarter of his monthly allowance, Friday December 1, after an altercation broke out the day before in law committee, during the examination of the immigration bill, announces a press release. “It will belong to the office of the Assembly”its highest executive body, to rule on a possible “more severe penalty”specifies the presidency of the Palais-Bourbon.
The left-wing elected official is accused of having “disrupted the proceedings, disturbed order and provoked other deputies in an outrageous manner.” He caused a scandal Thursday evening for forcefully demanding a suspension of work in the law committee, so that its members could follow the examination of a text defended by LFI in the hemicycle. For twenty minutes, several deputies then launched virulent invectives at each other.
At the end of the session, the president of the commission, the Renaissance deputy Sacha Houlié, announced that he would request sanctions from the presidency of the Assembly. He thanked Yaël Braun-Pivet on Friday on “for the immediate sanction that it pronounces, as a precautionary measure, pending the meeting of the office scheduled for December 13”.