“LFI is trapped in its own political behavior”, according to RN Sébastien Chenu


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For Sébastien Chenu, RN deputy, “a political party” is neither “SOS Friendship”, nor “a body in parallel with the law”.

With the case of Éric Coquerel, “Rebellious France (LFI) is trapped by its own political behavior”estimated Sébastien Chenu, deputy National Rally (RN) of the North, Monday, July 4 on franceinfo. “They have cast opprobrium on dozens of political or media personalities in recent years, they have condemned, blacklisted each other and when it affects them, we no longer hear them, they are very badly comfortable, they say ‘we have a committee that will settle this'”he added, referring to the committee against gender-based and sexual violence of the movement.

>>TESTIMONY. Accusations against Eric Coquerel: “I felt like I was dealing with a predator”, describes activist Sophie Tissier

It was seized by Sophie Tissier, left-wing activist and former figure of “yellow vests”. She denounces the behavior “offensive, harassing” towards her from the deputy Insoumis, also chairman of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly.

For Sebastien Chenu, “a political party” is neither “SOS Friendship”neither “a body parallel to the law”. The Vice-President of the National Assembly considers that this internal LFI committee is a “sect thing that comes to examine plaintiffs’ files”while‘”there is a law in this country” and that it is necessary “file a complaint”. Sophie Tissier claims to have already filed a pre-complaint online. “If he continues to deny, I will go to the complaint because it is worth it”she told franceinfo.

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