LFI deputy Sébastien Delogu brandishes a Palestinian flag in the National Assembly, the session suspended



Video duration: 5 min

MP Sébastien Delogu brandishing a Palestinian flag at the National Assembly
The LFI deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, Sébastien Delogu, waved a flag in the colors of Palestine on May 28, 2024 at the National Assembly.

This action by the elected official La France insoumise of Bouches-du-Rhône led to a suspension of the session.

A tense afternoon at the Palais Bourbon. During the question session to the government at the National Assembly on Tuesday, May 28, the La France insoumise deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, Sébastien Delogu, brandished a Palestinian flag in the hemicycle. “You have a call to order until you refer it to the office. This is unacceptable”castigated the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, before suspending the session.

LFI MP Alma Dufour challenged the government on the situation in Gaza and its refusal “to lecture Israel”. As the Minister of Foreign Trade began to respond to the elected official, Sébastien Delogu stood up and waved a flag in the colors of Palestine to the applause of his group.

“France is selling weapons (…) Few people dare to say the word genocide, but it is important to remember that children are being massacred by French weapons”reacted Sébastien Delogu following the suspension of the session. “By waving a Palestinian flag, will the president finally wake up and say to himself that we must stop selling weapons?continued the Marseille MP. “I don’t care at all about the sanction that the National Assembly will give me”he added.

During the suspension of the session, a heated altercation took place between the LFI deputy David Guiraud and the related Les Républicains (LR) deputy Meyer Habib. “Don’t touch me!”, shouts Meyer Habib to David Guiraud. As the tone rises between the two elected officials, the LFI deputy declares: “This gentleman is a pig ! He has been defending genocide from the start! (…) He shames France, he shames the country (…) We, on October 7, we mourned the Israeli victims.”

LFI deputies do not “didn’t know” that Sébastien Delogu was going to brandish a Palestinian flag in the hemicycle, assured Alma Dufour on LCP. “I am proud of the gesture”she added, emphasizing that “France has a key role […] to stop this massacre.”

“We expect an exemplary sanction from the office” of the National Assembly, reacted Renaissance deputy Benjamin Haddad, accusing rebellious France “to exploit the Palestinian cause” and lack of “respect to our institutions”. For his part, the president of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti, said he “outraged by the attitude of the LFI deputy” in a message published on X. “The Insoumis have only one goal: to flatter a hypothetical electoral clientele a few days before the European elections”.

source site-24