LFI deputy Aurélien Saintoul calls Olivier Dussopt an “impostor” and “murderer”, causing an interruption of the session in the Assembly

The Hauts-de-Seine parliamentarian accused the Minister of Labor of having lied about the number of workplace deaths at the start of the previous five-year term. He then apologized.

Day after day, the tumult continues in the National Assembly. Monday, February 13, LFI deputy Aurélien Saintoul accused the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, of being a “impostor” and one “assassin”immediately causing a suspension of the meeting during the already heated debates on the pension reform.

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Aurélien Saintoul, parliamentarian from Hauts-de-Seine, criticized the minister for having “lied” on the number of deaths at work, also accusing it of “felony”. He also castigated the government’s decision to have abolished the CHSCT (Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee) at the start of Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term. “You are responsible for these political choices”criticized the LFI deputy, referring to “150 more orphans, widowers and widowers” between 2017 and 2019.

Several calls for sanctions

Cries immediately rang out and Olivier Dussopt left the hemicycle during the suspension, noted AFP. Several deputies from other Nupes groups denounced these remarks. Asked about the LCP channel, Olivier Faure distanced himself from Aurélien Saintoul’s speech. “You cannot call a minister an assassin. The words of this deputy have, I hope, exceeded his thoughts. I hope that he will apologize in a few minutes”estimated the first secretary of the Socialist Party, partner of La France insoumise in the coalition of Nupes. “On behalf of the MEPs in my group, I would like to say how shocked we are by the comments that have been made. I will add on a more personal note that I feel hurt, even humiliated”underlined André Chassaigne, president of the communist group, in the hemicycle.

Other politicians immediately condemned Aurélien Saintoul’s remarks and demanded sanctions against him. “There can be, in our hemicycle, passion or emotion. But nothing justifies insult, insults. It is totally unacceptable that what is said in our hemicycle can be interpreted outside as incitement to hatred or violence. Excuses are not enough, we need sanctions”called Olivier Marleix, president of the LR group. “I say very calmly and firmly that it is unthinkable that we continue in this verbal escalation: we cannot treat Minister Olivier Dussopt as an assassin in this hemicycle”denounced Aurore Bergé, president of the Renaissance group.

Aurélien Saintoul apologizes to Olivier Dussopt, who “does not forgive”

In his speech at the resumption of the session, Aurélien Saintoul returned to his remarks with regard to Olivier Dussopt, “words that emotion and anger [lui] have made the wrong choice and who are moved. Of course, I want to withdraw them and issue a public apology to the minister. I am at his disposal to have a more personal exchange and to apologize to him again. (…) I made a mistake, I ask to be excused. Fatigue, outburst, and other more personal reasons make me take to heart the question of the dead at work.”

Olivier Dussopt then reacted to Aurélien Saintoul’s apologies: “Mr. Deputy, I hear your apologies, they allow the debate to continue. For about ten days, you have had about ten qualifiers about me that I can consider insulting, including one that I consider the paroxysm insult. I hear your apologies, but understand that being called a murderer cannot be forgiven.”

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