LFI denounces “a set-up” to “take away a voice from the opposition” in the midst of the pension debate

The Insoumis claim their “freedom of expression” and ensure that “at no time did Thomas Portes want to make his gesture a call for violence”.

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Insubordinate France denounces “unacceptable punishment” inflicted on MP Thomas Portes, excluded from the Assembly for 15 days for having tweeted a photo showing him with his foot resting on a ball bearing the image of the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt. In a press release published on the night of Friday February 10 to Saturday February 11, the rebellious group evokes a “set-up”, “a brutal way to take away a voice from the opposition” in the midst of a debate on pension reform.

“It aims to make up for the lack of a majority in the government to have this text adopted”estimates the LFI group in the National Assembly, which accuses the executive of engaging “to shameful diversions and grotesque polemics to hide his weakness”. “We will always refuse these authoritarian temptations: nothing will make us back down in our total opposition to raising the retirement age to 64 years old”continues the press release.

“The right to satire”

LFI also claims “freedom of speech”, “the right to caricature and satire”recalling “that at no time Thomas Portes wanted to make his gesture a call for violence”.

The rebellious deputies also denounce the fact that Thomas Portes was excluded for as many days as the deputy of the National Rally, Grégoire de Fournas. He had been excluded for 15 days from the Palais Bourbon after remarks – “that he return to Africa” ​​- launched in the hemicycle during an intervention by Carlos Martens Bilongo (LFI), arousing a wave of indignation.

“By penalizing Thomas Portes at the height of the racist words of the RN deputy (…) the President of the National Assembly and the office have taken on a heavy responsibility.”

France rebellious

in a press release

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