LFI continues to defend a common Nupes list to avoid “a battle of garden gnomes”

While the Communists have announced their desire to compete alone for the European elections of June 9, 2024, La France insoumise remains determined to make them change their minds. This is the challenge of the European youth forum of Nupes, Sunday.

After the ecologists, the communists are preparing to go alone to the Europeans. It does not matter if the door is slammed in their face twice, the rebellious do not give up the idea of ​​going through the window. According to LFI MEP Manon Aubry, nothing is decided one year before the European elections. “That does not necessarily mean that a Nupes list is excluded”, she assures franceinfo while the young people of this alliance of left-wing formations are organizing their European forum, Sunday June 25 in Alfortville (Val-de-Marne). “The French Communist Party also knows that the the 5% bar, from which we can elect MEPs in France, is a difficult bar to reach, advances Manon Aubry. That’s why I’m not giving up convincing, I don’t know if we’ll get there and besides, no one knows to this day. Obviously, we’re not going to force anyone.”

>> François Ruffin, the ambitious man who annoys Mélenchon and his entourage

“Communists are bluffing”, confides to us a member of the management of La France insoumise. “They make it a balance of power to negotiate, he said. I don’t think they want to do an Ian Brossat again.” The housing deputy to the mayor of Paris, close to Fabien Roussel, had failed to send a communist elected to the European Parliament in the last ballot of 2019, with only 2.5% of the vote.

To maintain the pressure, LFI is shaking the scarecrow: if the Nupes leaves disunited with the Europeans, it will be the same for the next deadlines. “We don’t want to go to the European elections to have an extravagant or exorbitant number of elected officials, argues the rebellious deputy Hadrien Clouet. We want to go there to send a political message to the country and to show that we are capable of beating the far right and Macron”. According to the elected representative of Haute-Garonne, “the whole of Nupes is in danger”.

“It is certain that if we all leave separately for the Europeans, that means that we will all campaign against each other. Good luck coming back to campaign together.”

Hadrien Clouet, LFI MP

at franceinfo

Many are those who, within La France insoumise, count on the polls to turn the tide. “When they see it’s a battle of garden gnomes behind the far right, they’ll come to their senses,” convinces a close friend of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

To convince the CP to make a common list, LFI relies heavily on the new generation of Nupes. Young ecologists and socialists meet this Sunday in Alfortville (Val-de-Marne) to discuss a common project for the Europeans on the occasion of a forum dedicated to the ballot of June 9, 2024.

The president of the Young Socialists, Emma Rafowicz, intends to bring the party leaderships to reason: “Playing the game of disunity, putting on a terrible show of the left and democracy, that is irresponsibility. We, left-wing youth, I believe that is what we say to our elders. detail our proposals, let’s discuss our projects, our programs. If there really are unsurpassable red lines, we will each go our separate ways. But it is out of the question to brush aside the prospect of union just for stories of places or posture.”

This initiative gives hope to the rebellious. Figures from the movement will also be in the room to follow these discussions, such as the number 1 of La France insoumise Manuel Bompard. The idea is to lay the first stone of the union with the Europeans, then to consolidate it, during the summer universities at the end of August… Always against the advice of its partners.

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