News from esports and video games with our consultant, Laure Valée, for a meeting dedicated to a documentary series to follow on the France TV Slash platform. “Level Up” is a real immersion into the largest French esports club: Karmine Corp.
Reading time: 2 min

Karmine Corp, the most popular French esports club in Europe, is the subject of a three-episode documentary series, online on the France TV Slash platform, since March 28. Level Up intends to introduce esports to newbies.
franceinfo: “More than a team, a family”, according to the hosts of these major esports meetings… Laure Valée, does Karmine Corp have a specific history?
Laure Valée: It’s a special story at Karmine Corp, when passion really takes control. And that’s what Rafael Covo, the director of the documentary, wanted to show. A story of enthusiasts who always believed in their dreams, who built solid foundations, a good entourage and who became an extremely competitive club.
Today, it is undoubtedly the most famous club you can have in France, with a massive community, results in many esports titles. Karmine Corp has broken the mold of history and made a place for itself in the heart of the community.
In this documentary, the director, Rafael Covo, follows players on a daily basis. We asked him what his ambition was through this project.
Rafael Covo: “The ambition is not to show esports just as a social phenomenon, by saying that indeed there are people who earn their living playing video games, where many media end their subject by saying, That’s the observation, it’s that there are indeed people who fill stadiums. For me, that’s more the starting point. I knew that they trained a lot, but by getting back into their daily lives, and seeing the duration of the matches, it can last 5 or 6 hours, where you have to be on the lookout for the slightest pixel that moves on a screen, it requires a level of investment which is truly extraordinary.”
Laure Valée,Is the daily life of professional e-sports enthusiasts still relatively unknown?
Laure Valée: These are training sessions every day, 6 to 7 hours a day. Obviously, once the training sessions are over, it doesn’t stop there. We have a whole support team around the players, physical trainers, mental coach, dietitian, sports coach too. There really is a well-constructed environment for the players to succeed as best as possible. And it is this aspect in particular that the documentary wants to show.
Level Upa documentary series in three episodes, already online on the France TV Slash platform