The LR president of Hauts-de-France was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday May 1, 2024.
Reading time: 23 min

Xavier Bertrand, president of Les Républicains des Hauts-de-France and founder of the “Nous France” movement, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday May 1, 2024. Salaries, threats of strike during the Paris Games, state of finances public, pro-Palestinian demonstrations in universities… He answered questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Jérôme Chapuis.
May 1: “Wages must increase in our country”
“Wages must increase in our country, it is a question of justice”, believes Xavier Bertrand. “We must increase wages everywhere”he adds, it is not “not just the question of the working poor, but of the entire middle classes”.
He calls for the government to stop “talk” And “act” and invites “reinvent work”particularly through training.
“If today you want there to be more for employees, there must be more qualifications. It’s initial training, it’s continuing training.”
Xavier Bertrandat franceinfo
Xavier Betrand is more cautious about the debate “on the regionalization of the minimum wage”, believing that “some” would be tempted “to say to oneself that [le Smic] could be a little weaker in some areas”.
Paris 2024: “the right to strike must be reduced”
“During school holidays and major national events, the right to strike must be reduced,” argues Xavier Bertrand, three months before the start of the Olympic Games. He calls for an evolution of “minimum service in transport”a law that he himself put in place in 2007 while he was Minister of Labor. “What is normal is to be able to exercise the right to strike which is a constitutional right”he recalls, “but the Constitution provides limits, such as the freedom to go to work, the freedom of movement, you must find this balance, this balance, today, is no longer respected.
🔴 Strikes ➡️ “I think that during school holidays, I think that during major national events, the right to strike must be reduced,” believes Xavier Bertrand.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) May 1, 2024
According to Xavier Bertrand, the government should have “anticipate” the strike threats weighing on the Olympics. “In September 2023, I said that with the arrival of the Olympic Games, public companies will be put under incredible pressure precisely to avoid strike action”he argues.
Public finances: “no one knows where we stand anymore”
Xavier Bertrand asks the government to initiate a procedure to audit the nation’s accounts. “No one knows where we are anymore”, scolds the elected official, while Bercy anticipates a public deficit of 5.1% of GDP for 2024, well above the initially planned trajectory. He considers this audit to be an essential prerequisite for a “clear debate” in the National Assembly during the vote on the next finance bill next fall.
The president of Hauts-de-France also denounces a form “political agitation” from La France insoumise and the National Rally, who threaten to table a motion of censure if an amending budget is not presented before the European elections.
“What a scandal at Sciences Po to see the lack of authority”
After the blocking of Sciences Po in Paris, Xavire Bertrand denounces a “scandal” facing “lack of authority”. The LR president of the Hauts-de-France region regrets the “capitulation on the part of the management of Sciences Po”. “Imagine the image today of this prestigious school, because of a few hundred, some of whom, as we also know, are manipulated”he believes.
🔴 Palestinian cause in universities ➡️ “On the freedom of expression of youth, who could question it? […] But there are no blockages,” says Xavier Bertrand.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) May 1, 2024
Xavier Bertrand says not “to call into question” freedom of expression for young people, but the blockages are “No”he continues, pointing out the role of La France insoumise which “serves as Sciences Po”.
Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Wednesday May 1, 2024: