[Lettre] And collective responsibility, Mr. Dubé?

I am flabbergasted, at the moment, by the absence of a mobilizing and firm discourse in the face of the sixth wave, at the highest level of the Quebec state. In my surroundings, new cases of COVID appear every day. 10,000 health care workers are missing. Hospitalizations are steadily increasing. Several specialists agree that we should be extra careful. Why ? To protect the most vulnerable among us and to spare the health system which can no longer take it. Will it soon be necessary to resort again to load shedding, this polite way of saying to patients: your operation will wait… still!

The Minister of Health tells us: “It was planned”! It took him a long time to admit that the sixth wave was indeed present. We knew it, we just had to look around us! Why not appeal, yes, once again, to the collective responsibility of all Quebecers? Why not say, right now: “Do you know what? The mask will remain mandatory throughout the sixth wave! We have no choice, it’s a simple and easily accessible tool that allows us to continue to have a social life. We don’t really like wearing it, but we got used to it anyway! »

But is it so surprising to see the CAQ government hesitate to invite us again to a great collective effort? He fears the return of the trucks and especially the loss of votes in favor of Éric Duhaime’s Conservative Party. I call that: lacking political courage. Abdicate one’s responsibilities. When will there be a call for social responsibility from the Minister of Health and the Prime Minister? Yes, we are tired, very tired from a pandemic that never ends. But we are even more tired by the absence of government leadership at a crucial moment.

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