Letter to the world from a Quebecer in Israel

I’m mad. I’m worried. I’m exhausted. It’s been two weeks since we fell into horror, since we were thrown head-on into another reality that we thought belonged to the past. But if the Nazis worked to eliminate the evidence of their abominations in the last century, Hamas made sure to film and send the proof of its abuses to the world. And to call the parents of kidnapped girls.

The world saw. The world heard the cries, the pleas of the victims, the tears of the children.

Yet the world has already moved on to condemning Israel. Yet, still, the world has expressed support for the pogroms of Jews. In the streets of Canada, America and Europe, we heard slogans brimming with hatred. And the world has rightly recalled the principle of proportionality. To Israel, of course. To no one else. Which leaves me perplexed.

Should Israel enter the homes of sleeping civilians, rape the girls, murder entire families? Or shoot young people gathered to dance?

Are we talking about this proportionality? Or are Israel being asked to wait nicely until the hostages are returned to their families? Are we asking Israel not to destroy an organization whose mandate is to annihilate Israel and which has demonstrated that it can put its objective into practice in the deepest barbarity?

Israel will do neither. And everyone knows it. Starting with Hamas, which could not help but be fully aware of the fact that kidnapping more than 200 Israeli hostages, the majority of them civilians, children — and babies! — could only trigger a response from Israel on the territory of Gaza.

And Israel, whatever anyone says, does not target civilians. These terrorist organizations know this well. Above all, they know well the candor of the West which pushes it to believe in all these beautiful stories. Especially when the attackers are Jewish.

Paranoid? Maybe. But admit that there is reason to be. The facts are confusing. Hamas launches a deadly operation never seen since the Holocaust, kidnaps civilians, and waits for the IDF while hiding behind its own population. Hezbollah, another representative of the Iranian mullahs, an organization which has sowed misfortune in Lebanon, decides to join the party and attacks the localities of northern Israel (with still targeted civilians, of course). Threats to Jewish communities around the world are intensifying and are taken very seriously by all security services.

Yet protests against Israel and Jews continue. Make no mistake, this is not about support for the Palestinians. Defending the terrorist barbarity of an organization that uses its population as a human shield, deprives them of basic freedoms, assassinates its opponents, throws homosexuals off roofs and confines women to an inferior status, is not defend an organization for the liberation of a people.

Besides, world, you should look at the Hamas charter. It is not the establishment of a sovereign state of Palestine that he seeks, but the establishment of an Islamic entity throughout the region, in the Iranian style. Not really a project of liberation or self-determination, is it?

And the propaganda ballet continues. Israel reportedly targeted a hospital. Of course. The usual refrain, even though we have hostages on the territory, some of whom are sick and others injured who could be in this hospital.

The damning evidence accusing Islamic Jihad came out immediately after verification. The other Gaza organization, which also competes for the title of the most violent terrorist, had shortly before claimed to be able to hit the city of Haifa, in northern Israel. But now, his calculations were wrong and his missile fell on this hospital.

No matter, they will still accuse Israel, and the white geese and other useful idiots of this world will relay this lie which the world will eventually believe.

Jews are always guilty of something, right? Even from their own misfortune, certainly.

When you in turn are victims of the same evil, you will understand that we were only the first and that you should have supported us all. But it will be too late.

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