Letter to the unvaccinated | The duty

My dear unvaccinated friends,

With all due respect, unless you have serious medical contraindications that prevent you from being vaccinated, I would like to understand why you persist in your refusal, now that COVID vaccines have, according to a high number of reliable sources, proven effective.

Do you still believe that your right to refuse the vaccine (for fear of its possible long-term side effects which, indeed, cannot yet be known) must take precedence over the duty of social solidarity which has already led many of your fellow citizens to overcome this fear and get vaccinated?

Unless your refusal stems from a rejection of authority, and any restriction, even dictated by the public good, appears to you as an unbearable attack on the integrity and freedom of citizens? On that, you are not entirely wrong. Any emergency measure constitutes an attack on freedom. And that can undeniably be disturbing. But is it really unbearable? Can there not be any situation that requires the temporary imposition of constraints aimed at securing the common good? As such, all laws and regulations constitute an infringement of liberty, as many friends of the previous President of the United States believe.

It is certainly admirable to be true to yourself and to your convictions, to listen to your conscience “against all odds”. But do you believe that this is an inalienable right? And should this right take precedence over the duty to show solidarity with one’s fellow human beings? Could it be that it is sometimes only the alibi of an exacerbated narcissism or, worse, of a selfishness which is ignored? This “sacralization” of the individual and of his sacred rights conveyed by the ideology which largely dominates in our societies, would it not make you forget that humans cannot live isolated from each other and must show solidarity? do they want to survive? Is it so humiliating to change your mind and agree to give up some “freedom” in the name of the common good? […]

Because the pandemic is only a foretaste of what is to come. We may well think that this is just a hoax, but who can still deny today that something is wrong with the climate of our beautiful planet? Except maybe a good friend of the president mentioned above… If there was a vaccine to save the planet, would you refuse it too? The trouble is, it’s not about saving the planet, but the humans who live there. The planet will get away with it.


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