Show that heats up !!
In the cuisine of France Bleu Drôme-Ardèche we received our toqué d’ardèche Raymond Laffont, from the restaurant “Le Panoramic” in Ozon and Michel Bayle, the organizer of the Grand Concours de Soupes de Saint-Vallier. (Sunday 19/12)
A competition open to all, which will take place as part of the Christmas Market in Saint-Vallier (Nord-Drôme) on Sunday, December 19.
What’s your recipe? What ingredients? What delicacy? You were able to present your Soup recipe to us, and Raymond gave you his precious professional advice!
- Françoise de St Donat, gave us her recipe for Butternut and Granny-Smith Apple soup
- Solange de Montélimar, nosu gave an excellent Antillean Soup, easy and very quick to cook
- Evelyne, from Gluiras, shared with us her recipe for Pumpkin, Spinach and Chickpeas soup
- Vanessa, from St Priest, her winter vegetable soup with a desalted shank with spices
Finally Michel Bayle, gave us his recipe of Irish “Seafood Chowder”, a fish soup and seafood, with salmon, cod, haddock, mussels, shrimps, etc …
Find all the Recipes HERE
– Franck Daumas