“Let’s talk to get out of the trauma”, urges director Olivier Lambert with his documentary

Today, the Quarter Hour receives director Olivier Lambert who signs “Algerian War Generations” on Arte. 60 years after the Evian agreements, it establishes a transgenerational dialogue between witnesses who could have been enemies at the time. Like every Friday, we also receive Manon Mella who gives the floor to young voters on franceinfo. The opportunity to talk about hunting and the new subject that is causing debate: the RSA.

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This is the measure that is debating on the left, this Friday, March 18. In his program for a new term, presented on Thursday, Emmanuel Macron defended an RSA conditioned on weekly activity from 3 to 8 p.m. “It’s working for seven euros an hour, not even at the level of the minimum wage”, indignant on franceinfo the communist candidate Fabien Roussel.

Like every Friday now in the Quarter Hour, Manon Mella from Génération 2022 on franceinfo, presents to us the young person who has marked him the most in his meetings of the week. Today, it’s Léo, a young hunter who hesitates between Zemmour and Pécresse for the first round of the presidential election.

And then, 60 years after the Evian agreements, we receive the director Olivier Lambert who brings together witnesses of the Algerian war and their descendants in his web documentary “Algerian War Generations” on Arte. Some could have been enemies, but the dialogue arises from this confrontation and the descendants learn more about their parents.

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