“Let’s stop asking those who have nothing or little to continue to make efforts”, asks Fabien Roussel

“Let’s stop asking those who have nothing or little to continue to make efforts”, asks Tuesday on franceinfo Fabien Roussel, PCF presidential candidate. The general manager of GRDF, worried about a scenario “unprecedented” for next winter in the event of an interruption in the supply of Russian gas, called on all French people, in an interview with Les Echos, to lower their heating or to prefer showers to baths. “Those who say that don’t realize what country we live in”answers Fabien Roussel.

“I would like to remind the CEO of GRDF that there are, today in our country, 12 million of our fellow citizens in fuel poverty, 12 million people who have trouble heating themselves”assures the communist candidate. “I meet at home, in my permanence, retirees who tell me that they receive 950, 1,000 euros per month in pension and they have seen their gas and electricity bills swell with unbearable regulations to pay”.

“Efforts are those who have a lot who can produce them. That Bernard Arnault [patron de LVMH] lower his heating by two points, stop taking baths, stop running his yachts”launches Fabien Roussel. “The richest 10% emit more pollution than the vast majority of our fellow citizens, who consume little, who have small houses, even who live in thermal sieves”argues the presidential candidate.

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