Let’s roll up our sleeves! | The duty

Workers, unions and civil society leaders do not always share the same vision of things, but all agree on the importance of getting vaccinated. Although it is not the only way to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination is the most effective and safe way to limit hospitalizations and serious complications, including death. Vaccination also reduces the risk of transmitting the disease to others.

As we know, a significant proportion of outbreaks occur in the workplace: manufacturing companies, businesses, construction sector, schools, daycares, CHSLDs, etc. In a crisis like this, we need to take care of each other and make sure we limit the spread of the virus as much as possible. Vaccination is the best way to do this.

By getting vaccinated, you help preserve the capacity of the health care network, which is currently under unbearable pressure with the increase in hospitalizations. Currently, 10% of the unvaccinated Quebec population accounts for 50% of intensive care hospitalization cases. Beyond the pandemic, we are collectively affected by this hospital pressure. Let’s think of all those who are waiting for an operation. This situation could be avoided. The more the population is vaccinated, the better equipped Quebec will be to deal with this new wave of COVID-19 and resume a more normal life.

We must now convince colleagues, friends or relatives who are reluctant to receive a first dose of vaccine, or a second dose, and, above all, we must pool our efforts to meet the challenge of the 3and dose. It is a gesture of solidarity towards those who are close to our hearts, towards the most vulnerable people and towards society as a whole. This message was sent several months ago, but it seems necessary to reiterate it, given the gravity of the situation.

We have succeeded, in recent months, in acquiring one of the highest vaccination coverages on the planet. This vaccination rate prevents thousands of hospitalizations and hundreds of deaths today, as we go through this 5and wave. We must continue our efforts. A significant portion of labor market players now speak with one voice.

Today, the representatives of four central labor organizations as well as ministers Boulet, Dubé and LeBel are united in saying: let’s all roll up our sleeves together so that as many Quebeckers as possible, regardless of their age, are vaccinated.

Signed this letter: Daniel Boyer, President of the Quebec Federation of Labor (FTQ); Caroline Senneville, President of the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN); Luc Vachon, President of the Central of Democratic Trade Unions (CSD); Éric Gingras, president of the Central Trade Unions of Quebec (CSQ); Jean Boulet, Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Solidarity; Christian Dubé, Minister of Health and Social Services; Sonia LeBel, Minister responsible for Government Administration and Chair of the Conseil du trésor

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