Let’s make regeneration our social project

If some die-hard skeptics still doubted it, 2023 and its dramatic catastrophes have proven to us that major environmental turbulence is no longer a probable scenario, but our new reality. However, the more the planetary crisis accelerates, the closer the proverbial wall towards which we are heading, the more social, economic and political polarization accentuates, and the more the real great war seems to become inevitable: that between the forces of inertia and destruction to those of regeneration.

We still have time to make unifying, inspiring choices, lucidly anchored in the rational hope that it is true that it will never be the same as before: it will be better! More beautiful, more connected, more… alive!

To do this, I suggest we make regeneration a real social project. Each of our decisions must be fertile and support restoration and healing: our own as an individual, that of our human communities and that of our socio-ecosystems.

Let us develop and nourish a regenerative leadership, rooted in a powerful ecosophy which reminds us that we are nature and that we have the duty to act as true guardians of life, a renewed leadership which unifies the rational as well as the emotional and the intuitive, embodied on a daily basis with kindness and determination.

In this crucial era, we must more than ever accept and assume our responsibility, then mobilize and unite our talents, our knowledge, our skills and our passions in the service of life, constantly amplifying our regenerative impact.

For 2024, let’s choose our side and give ourselves the gift of regeneration. Let’s be better ancestors, now and for future generations, human and non-human!

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