“Let’s continue the fight”, Yannick Jadot’s supporters gathered in Nice

The greens are picking up the pace. Nearly three weeks before the first round of the presidential election, supporters of Yannick Jadot, the environmental candidate, want to be heard more than ever. In Nice a new meeting was organized on Friday March 18 with party officials in the Alpes Maritimes and PACA but also with activists. About fifty people were mobilized.

“People’s perception of ecology is still immature” – Jean Laurent Felizia

Yannick Jadot is credited with 7% of voting intentions in the first round according to an Ipsos/Sopra Steria poll published on Friday March 18. Nevertheless for Jean Laurent Felizia, is the regional secretary of EELV PACA, environmental ideas are advancing and he wants to remain optimistic. “People’s perception of ecology is still immature”he believes.

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“Young people are mobilizing for the climate like NGOs, it is clear that it is not yet enough. But look where we come from! 2020 has been a pretty fantastic flight”explains Jean Laurent Felizia. “Today if Yannick Jadot is our driving force, we will no doubt win constituencies and form a group in the National Assembly. I think we shouldn’t skip the stages”, analyzes the chosen one. He concedes it “Winning a presidential election today seems complicated (…) but let’s resist and continue the fight”he said.

“Everything will be played until the last day”

For Saber Gasmi, the co-referent of the Nice support committee for Yannick Jadotnothing is yet lost, even if he recognizes a lack of enthusiasm for his candidate. “Everything will be played until the last day, until the last minute of the campaign. What matters is how much we will finish on arrival”he believes. “In recent years there have been millions of French people who trust political ecology. It is clear that this support does not really translate into political commitment”, remarks the activist.

He denounces “reactionary overtones that engulf the expected quality debate in this presidential election.” The first round of the presidential election will take place on April 10 for the first round, the second on April 24.

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