“Let’s all come together”, Alexis Corbière’s call to other left-wing candidates for the second round


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Alexis Corbière, spokesperson for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, calls on franceinfo Wednesday to “stop small controversies” to build a “new majority” on ecological and social requirements.

Alexis Corbière, spokesperson for Jean-Luc Mélenchon and deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis, assures Wednesday March 9 on franceinfo that rebellious France will call “everybody”, “all those who wish“if their candidate is qualified for the second round of the presidential election, in order to “build a new majority on ecological and social requirements”. “Let’s all come together to write another future for our countries”he added.

“We have the possibility, which is quite exciting, of being able to be in the second round of the presidential election with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, believes Alexis Corbière. We have to stop the small polemics.”

“The question is fundamental. There are three futures ahead of us: either Mr. Macron, or the far right, or what Jean-Luc Mélenchon embodies.”

Alexis Corbiere

at franceinfo

Alexis Corbière reaches out to communist candidate Fabien Roussel, believing that“together”they can qualify for the second round and “write a magnificent page in the history of France”. “I set myself a line: no controversy with the French Communist Party”insists the spokesperson of the Insoumis.

The participants in the Popular Primary who gave their support to Jean-Luc Mélenchon after the withdrawal of Christiane Taubira, are the “welcome”adds Alexis Corbière. “During the presidential period, we accept all support wherever it comes from”he assumes.

The spokesperson for the candidate of rebellious France says he wants to put at the heart of the debates “the increase in the minimum wage, retirement at 60, the reduction of the wage gap in companies”and qualifies as “fun topics” the themes on the agenda of Éric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen.

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