Letizia of Spain and King Felipe: their daughter Leonor finally back for a very special engagement

The news is not very encouraging. The war in Ukraine is raging, threatening even more the balance of the world. Letizia and Felipe from Spain want to help the victims as much as possible. Held away from the front, the couple engages on its scale. On Saturday March 16, 2022, their 16-year-old daughter Leonor, enrolled in a school in Wales, was back for the Easter holidays. Rather than enjoying a family day for the comeback of their eldest, Letizia and Felipe took her, with Sofia, her 14-year-old little sister, for a solidarity trip to the suburbs of Madrid.

Heart on hand, the whole family went to the reception center for Ukrainian refugees to bring support and a little comfort to the victims of the war. On site, Letizia, Felipe, Leonor and Sofia were welcomed by the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations and by the Secretary of State for Migrations. Parents and children exchanged and talked with refugees, more or less young. Letizia and her two daughters spent time with young children, Felipe as well. The king even posed with a young boy for a selfie.

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