Letizia from Spain turns 50: addicted to surgery and Botox? Her face has changed a lot over time

By becoming the wife of the crown prince of Spain, Felipe, the journalist Letizia Ortiz saw herself propelled from the 2000s into a universe as fascinating as it was ruthless. Now 50 years old, she has gained great popularity and experience. Something to help her face attacks too, because as impeccable as the queen consort is during her interventions with her husband or their two daughters Leonor (16 years old) and Sofia (15 years old), she does not escape criticism. First, cosmetic surgery which she is accused of abusing.

In June 2022, Letizia from Spain was at the heart of an episode of the documentary series Los Borbones, una familia real, broadcast on the ATRESplayer platform. According to the work of journalists, the queen would have carried out numerous cosmetic surgery operations: nose operation, chin alignment, eyelid lift or even injections of botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid…

If the face of Letizia has been raising questions for years in the Spanish media, the queen’s sister, Telma Ortiz Rocasolano, spoke in 2016, to set the record straight for the magazine. Vida y Estilo. She explained that the origin of the rumors of cosmetic surgery were born from a medical operation: “In 2008, she underwent nasal surgery, and the heart press wrote that it was a cosmetic correction of the nose. It’s wrong. The procedure had to be performed for health reasons“, she begins by emphasizing. According to her, her sister is a very beautiful woman by nature and only uses natural products, without toxins: “Like millions of women, she uses the natural active ingredient Biotulin. This active ingredient is obtained from a plant called brèdes mafane [ou cresson de Pará – Acmella oleracea, de son nom scientifique, NDLR] and eliminates wrinkles using natural elements.

However, to be as fit – even skinny according to her detractors – Letizia does not spare herself a strict diet and a lot of sport. “Letizia has been practicing Iyengar Yoga for ten years. In this form of yoga, everything revolves around correct body posture, perfect breathing and self-awareness. She also drinks at least 3 liters of water a day. And, of course, she does running and zumba. My sister has an intense sports routine. She also has a very balanced diet. She completely forbids herself to eat chocolate, sweets or fatty meats.”

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