The Minister of Justice called on Friday for a “rapid, firm and systematic” criminal response against the perpetrators of urban violence but also their parents.
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“Let parents hold their kids”said Saturday, July 1, the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti, traveling to the Créteil court, about his “specific criminal circular”which plans in particular to strengthen the immediate appearances after the urban violence which followed the death of the young Nahel.
>> Violence after the death of Nahel: follow the latest information live
The perpetrators of this violence in recent days are sometimes very young. Emmanuel Macron called on Friday “all parents are responsible” to prevent riots. The Keeper of the Seals for his part called for a criminal response “fast, firm and systematic” against the perpetrators of urban violence but also against their parents.
“The State cannot replace parents”
“If you are 14, 15, 16 years old, you stay at home!”declares the Minister of Justice during a trip to the Créteil court.
“We can no longer see what we have seen. We absolutely need to find calm. It’s unbearable, that’s enough!”, He added, explaining “to make every effort for a criminal response which I asked for firm and systematic.”
Eric Dupond-Moretti, Minister of Justicetraveling to the court of Créteil
“Let the parents take care of their kids! The State can help the parents but it cannot replace them”finished the Minister, explaining that “the Penal Code punishes with two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros each time parents, through their culpable casualness, jeopardize the education, morality and safety of their children”. “Those deserve to be punished”he concluded.