“Let someone say thank you on my tax form”, Estelle Denis lets loose in “What a time”

Taxes, one of the most divisive subjects in our country. Some consider that they pay too much, while others believe that the wealthiest do not pay enough. But in the end, what do the French think of this “tax”? Léa Salame wanted to have the opinion of its guests this Saturday October 14, 2023 on the
tray of What an era


Around the table, Estelle DenisPhilippe Lellouche, Édouard Philippe, and Natacha Polony debated on the subject. “Are we paying too much tax in France?”, asked the presenter to her guests. The opportunity for Raymond Domenech’s ex-partner to intervene and share her thoughts. “Yes !”she said straight away, before qualifying her remarks: “Well no, that’s not it.”. The journalist at the head of the show Estelle Midi on RMC would like to be thanked for her “gifts” made each year. “I have a big thing, I want it, and I would like to be heard, I would just like to be told ‘thank you’ on my tax form. It doesn’t bother me to pay”she continued.

Also see: Estelle Denis facing Pascale de la Tour du Pin (C8), she returns to Raymond Domenech’s marriage proposal 14 years ago

Estelle Denis, like the others, wants to know where her taxes end up

Christophe Dechavanne then cuts it: “Oh, I would think that they would make fun of me… ‘thank you!’”he replied, taking an ironic and thin voice to release his “THANKS”. Besides her desire to be thanked, Estelle Denis would especially like to know where the money she gives each year to the State goes: “No, but I just wish it said ‘thank you’ and then I would like to know where it’s going. It’s very demagogic what I’m saying”.

Everyone wants to know where their money ends up. Léa Salamé even recalled that Pascal Obispo had expressed the same wish “two weeks ago” during his passage on What an era. “If we could trace it, that would be great. I would be extremely proud to help pay for hospitals, retirement homes. I would love to do that, really. But it’s out of ego. Saying ‘well, I ‘was used for that'”Philippe Lellouche then intervenes, visibly agreeing with the words ofEstelle Denis. Christophe Dechavanne nevertheless recalled that in France, “we are still lucky to know that it does not go into the pockets of one of our leaders or a deputy, or other.”


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