Let go of us, with the colonized complex!

Do we have the right in 2024 to love France?

To appreciate the speech of his young prime minister, invited to the National Assembly?

To savor the eloquence, the verve, the quality of the words without immediately being labeled a poor colonized Quebecer?

Long live the free quebec!

Since de Gaulle in 1967, no French politician will risk making this kind of statement.

General de Gaulle wore the halo of liberator of France and winner of 39-45.

No longer will any French leader have had this influence over the people who fought alongside the French during the two world wars.

Gabriel Attal was born in 1989!

De Gaulle, whose name today probably has no resonance among young Quebecers, had been dead for 19 years…

After this episode in 1967, France continued its relationship with Quebec by applying a political principle of non-interference, non-indifference.

“We like you, but we don’t get involved in anything anymore.”

Our relationship with the motherland has evolved

This concept of “motherland” probably does not arouse any emotion among the younger generations.

Our youth see France more as an allied nation, sharing the same language and the same values. An opening to Europe and its trade.

Old France is getting a makeover!

Its president is 47 years old and its prime minister Gabriel Attal is 35!

Also in Quebec, this speech by Attal brought a breath of fresh air.

Music to the ears of lovers of the French language.

A plea for our common values, including secularism.

Finally for us, religion is relegated outside the State.

Yes, we like to be highlighted for our merit in fighting for our common values.

We are proud to be recognized for our efforts and our courage for the preservation of French in North America.

We are not colonized though!

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