less than 22,000 people hospitalized, but contaminations on the rise

The number of new positive cases stands at 93,050, according to Public Health France, against 79,794 a week ago.

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The number of patients hospitalized with a Covid-19 diagnosis fell below the 22,000 threshold on Tuesday March 8, while the number of contaminations rose, according to daily figures published by Public Health France. Hospitals have 21,208 hospitalized patients with a Covid-19 diagnosis on Tuesday (including 1,312 admitted in the past 24 hours) compared to 22,208 patients on Monday. Critical care services welcome 2,036 patients (including 125 admissions) against 2,079 on Monday.

The number of new positive cases stands at 93,050, according to Public Health France, against 79,794 a week ago. The seven-day average, the most faithful witness to the real trend in recorded contaminations, stands at 54,609 cases against 5,715 cases on Monday. Hospital deaths in 24 hours stand at 167, bringing the death toll to 139,618 since this outbreak began just over two years ago.

Vaccination continues, at a moderate pace: 54.24 million French people have received at least one dose (i.e. 80.4% of the population), nearly 53.3 million are fully vaccinated (79% of the total population) , and more than 39.21 million received a booster dose, according to the General Directorate of Health.

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