Less talented arsonists miss their shot three times rather than once in downtown Montreal

Suspects who wanted to set fire to a restaurant in downtown Montreal went about it three times … without ever succeeding, early Wednesday morning.

Around 3 a.m., hooded individuals tried to set fire to the gourmet restaurant Kenza Lounge, located on Crescent Street, by throwing a Molotov cocktail at one of the side windows of the business overlooking an alley.

The attempt failed miserably, since the incendiary device burned itself out in the alley.

The firefighters were still called to the scene, but did not have to intervene as such.

Shortly after, the police were called to the scene because “shady individuals” prowling near the restaurant were seen.

But when the police arrived, the criminals had already fled.

Then, shortly before 6 a.m., the suspects once again attempted to burn down the restaurant, again with a Molotov cocktail.

The attempt was again aborted and no damage was reported inside the trade.

Investigators from the Arson Section of the Montreal Police Service (SPVM) went to the scene in the morning to try to establish the circumstances of these events.

This is not the first time that this restaurant has been targeted by an attack. In early March, the front door of the business was pierced by gunfire.

No arrests have yet been made in these various cases.

The Kenza Lounge restaurant opened its doors on December 28th.

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