Less packaging with the Head in the Jar drive

The site of the drive la Tête dans le Bocal.

Do you also get upset because of overpacking? In food, in particular, it’s tense, even if we are not yet like in certain corners of the United States where apples are plasticized individually (true), we have to be careful.

No discomfort with the rise of bulk, you could ask yourself the question of the container to carry around with you when you go shopping and to fill on the spot. The head in the bocal is an initiative that was born in Geispolsheim in drive, and which allows the inhabitants of the outskirts of Strasbourg to access a simple and practical way to consume local, seasonal, quality products, and especially without any waste. It’s not just food, also cleaning products and cosmetics.

You do your shopping on the site, make an appointment, and presto, your shopping is ready on arrival in these reusable containers. The jars are all recorded, you get a credit note, they will be cleaned by the head in the jar. This zero-waste drive promotes short circuits with a low carbon impact and also supports local eco-responsible producers chosen on the la tete dans le bocal point fr site.

head in the jar

Phone: 0688867700
Email: [email protected]

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