Less expensive and more effective, the virtual wishes of mayors are popular in the midst of a pandemic



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Like last year, elected officials are asked to cancel the vows ceremonies due to the surge in Covid-19 cases. If some mayors are frustrated, this is not the case with François Tierce, mayor of Pavilly in Seine-Maritime, who enthusiastically offers a video to his constituents. #IlsOntLaSolution

This is the second year that the mayor of Pavilly (Various right) complies with the exercise of filmed wishes. Facing the camera, he delivers his speech. Friendliness is not there, but the chosen one knows that he will have a larger audience. “Last year the video was seen by 3-4,000 people. When you make greetings to the people, it’s usually 500 people,” explains François Tierce.

Another advantage of virtual vows compared to traditional ceremonies with petits fours and drinks: “It costs less”, assures the chosen one. And it gives a facelift to small municipalities which, like large cities, are exposed on social networks.

For this video, the mayor of Pavilly surrounded himself with his communication team. The speech focuses on past and future achievements. “Despite the health situation, the town hall continues to act, to move forward in its projects. The video makes it possible to translate it”, explains Rebecca Gressier, communications manager at Pavilly town hall. With this new experience, the mayor of Pavilly plans to make these virtual wishes a tradition.


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