Les Perles d’Odile by Magali in St Savinien

Again, this is a great sign. It is the natural and organic soap factory “Les Perles d’Odile” by Magali in St Savinien. Discover the online store on the Facebook page. Free delivery in Saintes and its surroundings.

Markets and Fairs:

Port-des-Barques night market from 5:30 p.m. every Friday evening until August 26 on the seafront. Exceptionally Wednesday 13 at the St-Savinien night market on the island of La Frognette. Saturday Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Christine’s gardens in St-Savinien. Night markets: Meschers sur Girondes every Wednesday until August 24 except July 13. Royan on July 21 then August 4 and 18. Port of the boats every Friday from July 08 to August 26. Media on Tuesdays July 26 and August 9. July 23 and 24 at Jherbaude in Les Gonds.

“Les Perles d’Odile” by Magali in St Savinien, a natural and organic soap factory.

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