Les Olivier Gala | King Desmarais’ hat trick

” I love jokes and I like to do things with you,” exclaimed Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais after accepting his third prize for an evening from which he emerged as the big winner, like last year.

He left the 2022 ceremony with three statuettes, but the three he adds to his harvest this year take on a surplus of prestige. After two editions of the Oliviers adapted to the sad reality of the pandemic, the comedy gala renewed on Sunday with the beating heart of its mission: to celebrate what funny professionals accomplish on stage, in the flesh and in sweat.

With his looks of caïd in Omerta and with emotion, Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais went to pick up the trophies for author of the year/comedy show (also awarded to his comrades David Beaucage and Alexandre Forest), from the comedy show of the year as well as the Olivier of the year. His show is called Jokes Hat Mom Magic Piano ; he can rename it Jokes [Tour du] Magic Piano Mom Hat.

First icing on the hat: its director Guillaume Girard also won, at the end of the afternoon, during the gala of the industry, in the appropriate category. Second icing on the hat: Completely high schoolthe parody of an American soap novel of which Roy-Desmarais is the co-creator with Rosalie Vaillancourt, won in the category of humorous web series of the year.

“There are new proposals in humor and I am really proud to be part of this wave,” launched the 28-year-old fanciful at the end of the evening which, despite this concentration of laurels in the hands of same man, will have been able to highlight the rich heterogeneity of the current comic offer.

Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais becomes the third comedian to triumph in the three most important categories during the same evening, after Louis-José Houde in 2009 (for Follow the parade) and Mike Ward in 2019 (for Black). He is, however, the only one to have accomplished this feat with a first show.

Due to the hiatus forced by the pandemic, the Association of Comedy Industry Professionals, which oversees the Gala Les Olivier, had exceptionally opened its stage-related categories to shows launched in 2019 and 2020. This explains in particular the citations awarded to less recent works, such as those of Sam Breton and Simon Gouache.

The discovery already little known

It happens that the prize for the discovery of the year is given to figures who are already somewhat established, observed the host of the ceremony, Katherine Levac. “Not tonight,” replied her friend Sam Breton, who had joined her for a presentation of a corrosive irony, bringing together some of the relatives of the nominees. But it turns out that Matthieu Pepper, discovery of the year 2023, is already, yes, a little established, like many of his predecessors in this category.


Matthew Pepper

The young gentleman, whose series Between two sheets had been named humorous TV show of the year in 2022, accepted his first personal Olivier under the moved gaze of his mother Nicole. A week after the Oscars, it’s undeniable: the current gala season belongs to moms.

But what is an Olivier really worth? That of the discovery of the year is, in any case, among the most reliable: its only two winners (out of 24) to have had more confidential careers are Crampe en masse (in 2000) and Christopher Williams (in 2005).

others winners

With the victory of Club Soly in the category of humorous TV show of the year, and his in the category of capsule or humorous web sketch of the year, Arnaud Soly was Sunday the other main crowned head of a gala during where he shone with Virginie Fortin, in a number mocking the humor of the 1990s and his inexplicable affection for leather pants.


Arnaud Soly

Justine Philie for her part provoked one of the strongest reactions by disclosing the eviction of a resident of Big Brothers Celebrities. The author came to seek with her colleague Gabrielle Caron the Olivier of the comedy number of the year for The fork by Korine Côté (who may or may not have been kicked out of Noovo’s reality show, we wouldn’t want to steal the surprise from you).

One of the only other women to have had a lucky hand is Stéphanie Vandelac, co-host and moral conscience of Open Torque, humorous podcast without script of the year, which she pilots with her husband, Thomas Levac. As you read this, the lovebirds may still be Frenching.

Note also that Odrée Rousseau will see her name engraved in a figurine by Olivier Guimond, she who co-wrote with François De Grandpré and Charles Beauchesne The worst moments in historyvoted comedy podcast with script of the year for the third time.


Francois Letourneau

The whole team of That’s how I love you for its part celebrated at the Baby Duck its double victory in the categories of humorous fiction series of the year and text of the year: television series or humorous web (given in the afternoon to François Létourneau).

Fabien Cloutier, who is presenting the media premiere of his second show this week in Montreal, Delicate, will bring back to the studios of Paul Arcand his trophy for the capsule or humorous radio sketch of the year. “Politicians will see you scared. Me, I would like to pinch your beautiful round cheeks, ”he confessed to the morning of 98.5 FM.


Katherine Levac, host of the evening

At the National School of Humor, Katherine Levac had set herself the number one goal of becoming friends with Phil Roy. At the end of his first presence at the helm of Olivier, many of his colleagues seemed to consider the host not only as a comrade, but also as the ideal candidate for his own succession.

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