Les Contes d’Alsace by Sylvie de Mathuilsieux

What is a tale? Attention, CONTE, I am not speaking of the title of nobility! Yes precisely, it is not that. The word tale designates both a tale of facts or imaginary adventures and the literary genre (above all oral) which relates these tales. Whether it aims to entertain or to uplift, it carries with it a powerful emotional or philosophical force.

For once, it will be rather “Once upon a time in the East”, because in Alsace, we are very well off, there are many tales which speak to us of lots of archetypes, sometimes with a moral and / or, caution. Like not accepting foods from strangers, like in Snow White. And it is not a rotten apple which has just appeared in the Verger Editeur, because Sylvie de Mathuilsieux publishes there: “The most beautiful tales of Alsace”. In our land so full of legends and mythical creatures, undines and giants, dwarves, princesses and witches … You will discover the stories of the Ribeaupierre brothers, the giants of the Nideck, the well of Fleckenstein, the witches of Bastberg or the undines du Lac bleu… In this book: seventeen of the most famous traditional tales from Alsace. They will make you laugh, tremble and dream …

You will find this 108-page hardcover album in full color at your favorite bookseller, stocked with illustrations by Benjamin Strickler, for € 15!

The book page on the publisher’s website.

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