It is an investment over 30 years, “something structuring for the career” for its president Thomas Dupuy d’Angeac. Les Carrières de l’Ouest inaugurated a new facility, a primary substation. It’s a key building in the production of aggregates, rock fragments, which crushes the rock extracted from the quarry. But this new building was mainly installed in the heart of the deposit whereas previously it was more than a kilometer from the site. “We moved it to save transport costs in relation to the energy problem that this represents for the supply of this installation”explains Thomas Dupuy
An ecological investment
The first hard rock quarry in France is also investing in this building to reduce its carbon borrow : “40,000 tons of CO2 over the operating life, around thirty years, which is significant”adds the president of the company.
– Julien Provoyeur
Another investment in favor of the environment, the modification of the transport of finished products. 30% of traffic by train leaves for the Paris region. “We have set up a rail shuttle between Voutré and Trappes which, instead of using classic aggregate wagons, transports in containers and therefore allows us to receive soil and transport soil on the way back. We have an obligation to backfill the quarry as we go along and therefore we have to bring back 350,000 tonnes per year. It’s an innovation, it didn’t exist and it allows us to limit our impact on the environment”, smiles Thomas Dupuy from Angeac.
– Julien Provoyeur
Each year, the company transports 1.5 million tonnes of aggregatesthese rock fragments, by trainwhich corresponds to 3.5% of French production.