Les Bleues must “be more efficient”, admits Gaëlle Hermet after the defeat against England

The XV of France paid dearly for its clumsiness in the scoring areas against the English who excelled in the exercise. On Saturday April 30, Les Bleues lost (12-24) in Bayonne during the final match of the Six Nations Tournament. They saw the Red Roses win the trophy and the Grand Slam, and have to settle for a second place to which they have been stuck since 2018. The bosses of Les Bleues, Annick Hayraud and Thomas Darracq, accompanied by captain Gaëlle Hermet returned , in a press conference, on a match that leaves its share of regrets.

Franceinfo: sport: We imagine that the disappointment is great, hot, just after this match?
Annick Hayraud: Yes, of course, because we had ambitions for this 2022 edition. Given the face of the match, we are disappointed and there is frustration. There are regrets because we had opportunities that we did not know how to seize. Afterwards, it’s part of the game. But when you play a final, it’s even harder to admit.

How do you explain these occasions that were not converted?
Gaelle Hermet: There are plenty of reasons. Just before half-time, for example, we have to be more efficient. We are in their camp, we must take the points. If we had taken points just before entering the locker room, the game would have been different. Afterwards, in the first period, we take a lot of penalties, balls carried, and therefore tries. We knew that if we made mistakes, we would. There are also times when we could have raised with the hand and we play with the foot. It’s full of little details that make us behind in the score. But I am very proud of the girls, in the intensity, in the will to defend our line, we showed our face. It is something positive in this defeat.

Is there a lack of vice perhaps, to make the difference?
Thomas Darracq: I don’t know… Certainly, even if it doesn’t really enter into the analysis of the balance of power. The English have countered us very well. It was our lack of the ball that limited our ability to score more. We had the chances, we were close to their line, especially in a scrum. It’s not played that far in relation to the score, that’s what’s frustrating. We didn’t have a lot of balls, we had trouble alternating our initiatives. We must gain in maturity, there is a maturity to be found to seek this last remedy. Today, we knew that England, through their experience and their string of victories, had that extra confidence. Not much is missing, but not much is not winning.

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