“Les 12 Coups de midi” soon to end? The astonishing announcement by Jean-Luc Reichmann which will alert the fans

Will he stop entertaining us every lunchtime? We hope not. Especially since Jean-Luc Reichmann has accustomed us to accompany us to each of our lunches for six years now. He knew how to make us laugh, cry, rack our brains, and make himself more and more appreciated by viewers over the years. Indeed, he is one of the most beloved animators of the PAF, undoubtedly for his naturalness and his unfailing humor that he has shared with us for many years now. Because before “Les 12 Coups de midi”, Jean-Luc Reichmann hosted many other programs and in particular the famous program “Attention à la marche”. Having officiated for so many years on the small screen, every noon, everyone has gotten into the habit of having lunch by his side. Fans would be inconsolable when they learned of his retirement from television, but should be prepared for it.

Especially since Nathalie Lecoultre’s companion has just made a strange announcement on his Instagram account, almost suggesting the end of “12 Coups de midi”… Before the host’s fans take out their handkerchiefs, they must still be patient. Since Jean-Luc Reichmann has not yet communicated anything on this subject. The presenter only making it known that he had a new project in preparation according to his publication of this Friday, January 28 on his Instagram account.

“An excellent WAOUUUUUUH weekend in Tousss…” he wrote first in his legend before adding that he did not intend to rest in the coming days: “for me job job”. The host concludes his text by making a huge announcement: “Surprise Soon”. All accompanied by a winking emoji. It remains to be seen what it is and if Jean-Luc Reichmann, whatever his new project, will continue to entertain us every lunchtime on our small screen.


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