Les 12 Coups de midi: Here is the face of Zette, the essential voice-over of the game?

This Saturday, July 2, 2022 is expected in prime time on TF1 a great evening devoted to 12 noon shots on the occasion of the programme’s twelve years. A documentary has notably been concocted returning to the beginnings of the cult game and its behind the scenes. We will of course find Zette, the famous voice-over that has accompanied Jean-Luc Reichmann almost always. And for the first time she will reveal itself openly !

The latest issue of Entertainment TV however, got ahead of everyone by posting a photo of Isabelle Benhadj in its latest issue, published on June 27. She appears with auburn-colored hair tied in a bun and with long bangs that fall slightly over her beautiful green eyes. Our colleagues recall in passing that Zette was not always Jean-Luc Reichmann’s accomplice in The 12 noon shots. “During the first six months of the game, it was Véronique Le Nir, alias the Fairy Eulalie, who held this role.“, we read.

A friendship that lasts between Jean-Luc Reichmann and Zette

In 2018, during an interview with Sonacom, a production company, Isabelle Benhadj confided in her beginnings before becoming the essential voice of the show. “In 1987, I sent a demo tape to Fun Radio which had just set up in Paris and they gave me my chance. (…) It was also there that I met Jean-Luc Reichmann who was doing voiceovers with me, isn’t it funny?“, she recalled.

And as soon as they found each other The 12 noon shots, everything was very natural between them. “He gave me the latitude to be delirious and to play my role of ‘ambient’, even if it meant overdoing it, otherwise it would be less funny! At first I was intimidated, but he encouraged me to be natural and although it is exhausting since we record five shows a day, I find it very fun to give him the answer!“, she admitted to him.

Jean-Luc Reichmann has also already spoken about Isabelle Benhadj whom he considers a very close friend. “We share things, we are friends, we know each other by heart. She knows my family, she has three children… I’m her boyfriend in life! We feel that we are very close, it’s a real complicity between her and me. JI know how she breathes, I know when she’s awake, I know by her haircut if she’s okay, I know she is on an electric bike, I know that children are her life, that she has a three-legged dog from the SPA… She’s more than a friend“, he let go for Current wife in 2019.

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