Les 12 Coups de midi – A physically transformed candidate: he is making a comeback 11 years later

On June 28, 2010, TF1 launched a game that has become cult: The 12 noon shots. Jean-Luc Reichmann has therefore already received candidates on his set for twelve years, all of whom hope to raise as much money as possible. Moreover, the front page recently revealed that the dizzying sum of 14 million euros in total had been paid to the various winners in recent years.

On the occasion of the program’s symbolic anniversary, Jean-Luc Reichmann and his teams launched a competition on June 26 between 56 of the greatest midday masters. While waiting for the final, which is expected on Saturday July 9, viewers were able to find familiar faces, including that of Majid. He made his return on Thursday July 7, 2022 and notably had the right to a little look back on his career. It was in 2011 that he participated for the first time. At the time, he had managed to leave with €57,660. And by reviewing images of him from this period, it is possible to see that he has changed a lot physically! Exit his youthful air, Madjid is today a mature man, with a graying beard, a thinned face and a few hairs less. (See our slideshow). “You were a little baby, since then there have been children. You were one of the very first to arrive“, underlined Jean-Luc Reichmann.

This jump in the past naturally brought back many memories to the candidate who, very moved, shared a poem he had written for the attention of the host and all the employees of the program, “shadow people“.”Thanks. I’ve met some great people here, guys who didn’t look great on TV, but in real life, they’re super cool. It’s very moving, I’m happy to be part of it all. Thanks“, he concluded in tears. Also touched by his speech, Jean-Luc Reichmann gave him a big hug.

It should be noted that, after its passage eleven years ago in the 12 noon shots, Madjid has participated in other game shows. “You opened the door for me, thank you because I admit, I pulled the thread a little much“, he admitted amused.

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