Leroy Merlin and Decathlon employees ask to be increased


France 3

Article written by

S. Lanson, L. Campisi, JL.Douchet, T. Guery, A.Morvan, France 3 Lille, A.Brodin – France 3

France Televisions

The question of purchasing power is gradually becoming essential in companies. The bosses of Leroy Merlin and Decathlon, in particular, are under pressure to increase the salaries of their employees.

Many had never gone on strike in their lives. Since Thursday, employees of the Leroy Merlin company have filtered access to their warehouse in the Paris region. They find annual salary negotiations unacceptable. Management implemented a general wage increase of 2%, lower than inflation. “Concretely, we will lose purchasing power this year, and it is not tolerable to say to our employees: ‘You have created wealth […], we make 9 billion, but we have poor workers’ “, estimates Imane Haddache, CGT Leroy Merlin representative.

The unions are asking for better sharing, a minimum revaluation of 80 euros. Many earn 1,400 euros net per month, with soaring bills. In total last week, four warehouses and several stores mobilized. The management continues to negotiate, but ensures that it is already one of the most generous on the market. From the center to the east of France, Decathlon employees are also on strike. The unions put the pressure even before the annual wage negotiations.

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