Leonardo DiCaprio separated from Camila Morrone: the actor is getting closer to a very famous model…

It’s a joke that has been doing the rounds on social networks since the separation between Leonardo DiCaprio and his latest girlfriend, Camila Morrone. The American actor would only go out with girls under the age of 25 and the latter having reached the limit, he had to break up with her. A little joke, but which still reminds us that the interpreter of titanic has still not found the woman of his life and at 47 years old today, everyone is watching his every move to find out if the handsome Leo has found love again. According to the latest rumors, it may well be that the one who started a new business in France recently is not very far from relocating.

The break with Camila Morrone really surprised everyone, but Leonardo DiCaprio would not let it count and according to the latest information released by the American magazine People, the great friend of Jennifer Lawrence would approach a lot of another star lately. Obviously very attracted to models, he and the famous Gigi Hadid would be “getting to know each other”, according to the publication, which is based on the testimony of a knowledgeable person. According to their information, the Oscar-winning actor would be very interested in the profile of Bella Hadid’s sister and could therefore embark on a seduction operation in the coming weeks.

Conflicting information about their relationship

“We saw them hanging out with other people. It’s only been a few weeks since her breakup. Since then, he is often with friends and with his family.adds the source to People. Nevertheless, we must remain cautious with this story since at present, Leonardo and Gigi are not in a relationship and conflicting information has come out regarding their relationship. According to the American newspaper Us Weeklythe 27-year-old model reportedly showed no interest in Bar Refaeli’s ex. “They are friends, but she doesn’t want a romance with him for the moment”, assures a source to the magazine. Not to mention that rumors of a rapprochement with another model had emerged a few days ago. Leonardo DiCpario would have fallen for a sublime 22-year-old Ukrainian model named Maria Beregova.

Nothing official for the time being, but it may well be that the ex-girlfriend of Zayn Malik, with whom she had a little girl named Khai, is getting very close to Leonardo DiCaprio lately.

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