The Argentinian had apologized after missing training last Monday to travel to Saudi Arabia.
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A week after his trip to Saudi Arabia to promote tourism in the kingdom, Lionel Messi is back in training at Camp des Loges on Monday May 8, as evidenced by a photo published by Paris Saint-Germain on his twitter account.
Disciplinary proceedings had been opened against the Argentinian for missing training on Monday May 1 while he was in Riyadh, and PSG lost at home against Lorient (1-3 ) the day before.
In a short video posted on his social networks, the attacker apologized on Friday: “I wanted to make this video after everything that’s going on. First of all, I want to apologize to my teammates and to the club. I honestly thought we had a free day after the game like the week before. I had this organized trip to Saudi Arabia, which had already been canceled before, and which I could not cancel.”
Deprived of training for a week, the Argentinian is back on the pitch and could be present for the reception of Ajaccio on Saturday (9 p.m.).