Lens still offers the derby against Lille and remains in contention in the race for Europe

Three out of three for Lens this season. Decidedly, the derbies of the North no longer succeed in Lille, even in a Pierre Mauroy stadium filled with 48,000 spectators. At the end of a hectic and tense meeting, the Lensois won (2-1), Saturday, April 19. A success that allows them to steal seventh place at Losc and above all to remain in contention in the race for Europe.

Lens started strong. The Sang et Or took control of the game by opening the scoring in the first minutes thanks to a half-volley from Przemysław Frankowski (4th). Arnaud Kalimuendo then doubled the lead, scoring his tenth goal of the season (37th) at the same time. But if the meeting seemed bent in favor of Lens, Lille did not abdicate and reduced the gap just before the break, on a crossed header from Xeka (45 + 1).

While the first leg had been marked by an invasion of the field and clashes between supporters, this time it was the players who failed to control their emotions. Jonathan Gradit and Renato Sanches exchanged words and the Lille player shouldered his opponent. The scuffle continued in the corridor leading to the locker rooms and the two players were each given a yellow card by the referee.

After the break, it was again Lille who regained control of the ball, multiplying the chances, without ever managing to materialize. Like Jonathan Bamba’s shot (53rd) from the left corner of the surface, deflected with the fingertips by goalkeeper Lensois. Thirteen minutes later, a shot from Edon Zhegrova found the post for the second time of the match for the Mastiffs, because Sanches had already done so in the first period (21st). But that was not enough for the Mastiffs to come back to score.

The reigning French champion remains on three games without a win, after the two draws against Angers (1-1) and Bordeaux (0-0). Jocelyn Gourvennec’s players missed the opportunity to settle permanently in the fight for European places, when Lens is only one point from fifth place. Thanks to their victory, the Sang et Or can now watch Lille in the rear view mirror. Above all, after their great success against Nice last week, Franck Haise’s players are once again demonstrating that they know how to win in suffering. And why not, continue to dream of Europe.

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