Lénie, shocked by her elimination, she crashes the bonus and refuses to come back!

It was her dreams that viewers shattered this Saturday, January 13, 2024, and which were gone in a fraction of a second… To everyone’s surprise, even though she had never been nominated against any student, Lénie Vacher was eliminated from the adventure star Academy and did not manage to collect enough votes against Héléna, Axel and Julien. In shock, shaking, totally frozenthe young woman was unable to contain her emotion, and collapsed on the stage of studio 217. In a total state of astonishment, Lénie was finally discreetly eclipsed from the set by the production while she regained her senses. … But impossible for her to come back on stage.

Indeed, during the after party, Nikos Aliagas made an announcement stressful to say the least, explaining that Lénie was unable to return to the prime. Every week, the eliminated student usually returns to his adventure alongside Nikos Aliagas, and listens to the favorites that the teachers give in turn. According to a production source contacted by media journalist Clément Garin, the young woman avoided a little discomfort, and was taken care of by the health services present on site: “I can confirm. I was on the prime and Lénie almost felt unwell, she was being held by two people from production. She remained stoic, glued to the spot.”

Lénie hasn’t posted anything on Instagram yet

When the four semi-finalists left to join the bus to return to Dammarie-les-Lys, Lénie, however, managed to join them to say goodbye. But the young woman appeared pale, stunned, and seemed not yet to have managed to come to her senses… For now, at the start of this morning, Lénie Vacher has not given any news on her Instagram account, and stays behind. We can bet that the youngest in the competition is doing well, and has been able to recover from this major shock. This Saturday, January 20, 2024, she will be in front of her television to support Axel and Julienwho will face each other in a first semi-final, then Héléna and Pierre next week. The two qualifiers from each of them will face each other in the grand final, scheduled for February 3!

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