Lénie reveals the nocturnal habits of Pierre and Candice

Little indiscretions that Pierre and Candice are unlikely to appreciate… Barely leaving the castle of Dammarie-les-Lys,
Lénie continues the interviews.

As proof, after having confided in Gala magazine then to Yann Barthès on the set of Daily just a few days after her elimination during the last bonus, the youngest of the
star Academy
granted an interview with our colleagues from TV 7 daysthis Wednesday January 17, 2024.

A face-to-face interview during which the young 18-year-old singer made some revelations about her little friends on the telecrochet… And surprise, Lénie let it be known that some of them had habits that are, to say the least, noisy at night.

“Pierre snores a lot. Candice also snores sometimes, she’s going to be mad at me, but Candice also sometimes snores when her nose is blocked. Even earplugs don’t work.”she blurted.

See also: Surprise: an emblematic teacher makes his comeback to the “Star Academy”

Why did Lénie live in a separate room?

Snoring which partly explains why the singer made the decision to sleep in a room alone during the adventure.

I had a separate room because I am someone who is quite sensitive to the energies of others. Even though I really like the people around me and I’m very sociable, I like my solitude and I need to recharge my batteries. The only time I could recharge energetically was at night. Knowing that I have a hard time dealing with fatigue, I preferred to sleep alone.”she had in fact confided a few days earlier to our colleagues at Gala. It helped me a lot to be able to sleep on my own during the adventure”assured the young woman.


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