Lengthen the tunnel | The duty

It is distressing to note that the improvement measures for the Québec tramway, according to the government’s wording, appear rather as delaying measures, already in place under the previous administration. The initial tramway project included a longer tunnel covering the space from Avenue De Salaberry to Avenue des Érables, an obvious fact given the cramped nature of the public road at this location. Supposedly for budgetary reasons, the route of this tunnel was shortened, among other restrictions. This now appears to be a short-sighted decision for a government which has just committed 3.2 billion to get re-elected, which is proposing a third link at 10 billion without batting an eyelid, which is preparing to compensate several hundred million companies having titles of concessions for oil exploration which will not take place.

[…] Is winning the elections a social project? For a project that will cover fifty years, and probably develop in different phases, adding funding to consolidate the initial project seems the simplest solution, perhaps not so much more expensive than all the irreconcilable desires now raised, and above all a guarantee of bringing the possible extension of tram services to the four cardinal points, including the South Shore, while only the western service is currently planned (Legendre station).

The government’s current attitude seems to go beyond mere pettiness; it appears more like a failure of governance. Good administrators are not enough, statesmen are needed; rare commodity.

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