Léna Situations quits Twitter after being teased about her physique

Lena Mahfouf is tired of gratuitous insults. The 24-year-old influencer, better known as Léna Situations on Youtube, has decided to quit the social network Twitter. It was after posting a message about her new and very short haircut that the young woman received a round of insults and mockery. The one who became the muse for the Adidas brand preferred to delete her account rather than retaliate indefinitely.

On her Instagram account, Léna Situations, who is visiting New York with her friends, wrote the following message, without bothering to respond to her detractors. “I cut my 4G yesterday, I wanted to be a bit far from the networks. We spent the day walking in Soho”, she told members of her community, while thanking them for their messages of support.

Many fans revolted against this cyberstalking, which does not date from yesterday. Indeed, Léna Situations has been subjected to admonitions from Internet users for several weeks and for various reasons! The latest is her birthday party, during which strippers danced for her. Seb La Frite’s companion was violently insulted and defended herself as best she could. But other events got the better of his words, such as his resounding return to another social network: LinkedIn!

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